Distributed Generation
Distributed Generation (DG) is often defined as small scale generation facility located close to the load center. These systems are typically small wind turbines, solar arrays, biomass, hydro power, methane or geothermal and are limited to 25 kW. These systems can also use storage facilities to assist in meeting the needs of the local service. Stanton County Public Power District will connect DG facilitates to the system per LB 436 that amends Nebraska State Statue 70-1012. SCPPD will net meter these facilities 25 kW and under. The primary function of a DG Net Metered facility is to produce energy and offset the customer’s usage. Any excess energy will be purchased by SCPPD per the Energy Purchase Agreement.
Review and complete the application documents (below), prior to installing a DG facility. We will meet with the customer-owner prior to instillation of the facility. For more information, call the office at 402-439-2228.
Net Metering – Renewable Distributed Generation Policy
Customer Generation-Municipal Net Generation Residential
Customer Generation-Rural Residential Net Metering
Customer Generation-BuyAllSellAll
Customer Application Procedure: